Facing into turbulent times

Government departments are key to driving growth, productivity and ensuring appropriate regulation of consumer and business activity.  However, governments face significant pressure to better engage with their constituents, improve sharing and efficiency of their own resources, and show greater return from their investments.

The modern operating environment for Government departments and agencies has changed dramatically.  Many traditional approaches to policy implementation and service delivery no longer deliver the outcomes desired, or take too long and cost much more than was originally anticipated.

There are many factors driving the need for change, including higher customer expectations, efficiency requirements, and a desire for faster policy implementation. These challenges cannot be ignored.

SPP works with State, Commonwealth and Local Government to improve outcomes from both policy and program activities.  We provide a focussed, structured, flexible approach that is tailored to the specific planning and implementation capability of our partners.

SPP has worked pro-actively with Government Clients on a range of topics and project challenges.

Digital service transformation including the development of business cases, operating model work, program reviews, and funding reviews;

Business case work more generally on both IT and digital, but also capital works projects including health and economic infrastructure

Precincts and capital planning including precinct strategies, precinct partnership development, and capital planning strategy

Economic development and trade strategy including the development of investment programs, investment strategy, and go-to-market approaches

Productivity programs including training and team development, portfolio assessment, financial modelling and project management

Organisational re-design including strategy refresh, activity analysis, org design options and selection, and detailed design

Operating model development including design work across people, process, business model and platform

Key Contacts

Phil Noble  /  Founder and Managing Partner

Phil Noble is the Founder and Managing Partner of SPP. He is an experienced General Manager, Consultant and Entrepreneur and has worked in a wide range of industries including financial services, telecommunications, infrastructure and Not for Profit.  Phil has...

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Tim McMaster  /  Partner

Tim McMaster is a Partner in SPP’s Sydney office with over 20 years experience with capabilities largely centred around three key areas:1) Leading strategic and business transformation projects.2) Identifying new service delivery models and target operating models for improved...

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