By Phil Noble   /


Organisations delivering major projects for Government face many common challenges; funding security, effective communication, strong partnerships, evidence based decision making, clear roles & responsibilities, as well as the need to create a defining culture.

SPP has identified four key areas for improvement in large scale organisations undertaking transport and infrastructure initiatives:
1. Optimising project organisation models
2. Prioritising quick wins to get runs on the board
3. Developing an effective  partnership ecosystem; and
4. Using Big Data to support decision making

Given the importance of setting-up new major project organisations well, investment must be made to diagnosing and address project issues such as these as early as possible in the project development cycle.

SPP also brings new data-warehouse and data-analytic capabilities in conjunction with our partner firm, Zetaris, to these projects – to provide an additional lens to drive design, and operations.

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By Phil Noble   /