SPP Approach to Precinct Development

SPP’s overarching Precincts Framework has assisted governments and universities to systematically develop a place based strategy that responds to their specific objectives and reflects the unique characteristics of the place.
While it is clear that precincts can deliver significant benefits and many precincts, both domestically and globally, have successfully evolved over time, a key question still remains – How should State and Federal governments approach identifying an industry and capability focus that best drives economic outcomes?
SPP’s Precinct Lead Ben Apted has worked with Universities and State Governments on precinct development strategies, including studies of precinct approaches internationally. Together with Phil Noble, our Government Lead, the firm has developed the attached framework which provides strong guiding principles on the way to think about precinct development.
Key Contacts
Ben Apted / Senior Partner
Ben Apted is the Senior Partner of SPP. Ben leads SPP's Education, Research and Digital Practices. Ben is a thought leader and contributor nationally and internationally on higher education strategy, engagement and operations. He has led transformation of government service...
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Phil Noble / Founder and Managing Partner
Phil Noble is the Founder and Managing Partner of SPP. He is an experienced General Manager, Consultant and Entrepreneur and has worked in a wide range of industries including financial services, telecommunications, infrastructure and Not for Profit. Phil has...
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