By Phil Noble   /

It has been a challenging and yet rewarding year for us at SPP through 2021, as we welcome many new members to our teams in Sydney, Brisbane and Melbourne, and pursue answers on a wide range of challenging assignments.

We are thankful to have had the privilege to work on so many complex and interesting projects, in many different domains. We have supported our clients as they re-assess their direction and change their operations to optimise, grow, and adapt to the world that has been so heavily impacted by Covid.

Certainly 2021 did not turn out as we expected – our return to business was more difficult and protracted than we could have foreseen. For most of us, that meant long periods in lockdown. For our clients, that meant re-thinking the way they do business – in some cases, with a stunning degree of resilience. It’s likely that this situation will continue, at least in some shape or form – and we will all be looking to support each other in that regard.

This past calendar year, we are incredibly grateful for our people – their ability to keep pursuing the best outcomes, even when the energy and inspiration that come from face-to-face meetings with our clients and colleagues is missing. We are grateful for the amazing, consistent commitment that they have shown.

Finally – as we close out the year, we’d like to share our refreshed values with our friends and clients – and we hope they resonate with you.

We stand for being Curious – interested in our clients businesses, their challenges, and their people. Caring – for our team, for our clients, and for the broader community we all live in. Rigorous – in our application to the work – and we seek to exhibit the qualities of great Team Players.

Thank you for all your support in 2021 – we look forward to connecting with you in the new year.

Phil, Ben, David, Bruce, Noel, Ian, Ashan, and the team at SPP

Key Contacts

Phil Noble  /  Founder and Managing Partner

Phil Noble is the Founder and Managing Partner of SPP. He is an experienced General Manager, Consultant and Entrepreneur and has worked in a wide range of industries including financial services, telecommunications, infrastructure and Not for Profit.  Phil has...

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By Phil Noble   /