WHAT WE DO: Finding growth solutions
The most critical point of business impact, the interaction between customer decision making behaviour and brand influence, is our key to unlocking sustainable profit revenue growth for our clients.
We bring focus, simplification and energy to organisations, finding answers to critical challenges.
- Where to invest scarce resources and investment for the best return.
- How to align brand assets, product portfolios and corporate capabilities to priority opportunities.
- How to focused and effectively manage scarce resources directed to channel, innovation, marketing and operations.
- How to create a simpler, more energised and effective organisation to win and sustain customer preference.
- The commercial disciplines needed to deliver to measured results.
Return On Customer First
We have developed a unique and proven approach to solving client issues and problems around profitable growth. It’s called Return on Customer First (ROCF™) methodology and it puts the customer at the centre of our clients’ business.
Our ROCF engagement focuses on delivering a transformative growth program through 4 key steps.
Identify Growth Opportunities
Companies don’t drive growth; customers do.
We explore growth from three perspectives – market, customer, and brand.
We search for understanding and insights around what really drives customer needs, perceptions and motivations – and, in turn, find out what it takes to develop winning brand propositions.
We align the organisation around the needs of their customers – building and embedding customer-led capabilities.
We believe that top line growth and closing the ever-present growth gap can only be delivered by winning more customer preference; both from existing and new customers, from within the core business and from the identification of new business models.
Will growth be found in new products, new segments, new channels or new geographies? We’re here to help companies decide where to play to find the growth they need.
Consumer Insights
Understanding what matters most to customers and how that insight can be applied into more compelling brand propositions is a central role of research (and increasingly data) at SPP.
Research is core to our brand strategy planning to drive growth and increase customer preference.
Our market research is increasingly complimented by the broader world of data driven customer intelligence, enabled by new technologies to deliver on behavioural and attitudinal single customer view.
SPP also uses methodologies such as private online communities to help clients build customer data and intelligence capabilities to inform their ongoing customer-driven growth planning.
Develop Winning Brands
Leveraging your assets to win preference
We bring a high level of commercial pragmatism to the business of brand strategy.
We embrace the harder edged market and business realities, working to the principal that brand success is about the whole of organisational performance.
We explore the creative development of brand performance through consumer insight, firm capability assessment, competitive realities and commercial imperatives.
We direct all the specialist skills, depth of experience, constant development, and our radar to the future to help clients win customer preference and create new growth.
Deliver Growth
Our goal is to drive transformational growth through innovative market and brand strategies.
In this environment, acceleration of growth often requires a mobile and agile organisation working cross-functionally to deliver a coordinated effort in response to a new market or brand strategy.
We help align organisations to the needs of the consumer, and in the building and embedding of customer-led capabilities.
Leading companies recognise the need to continually innovate – to uncover new sources of revenue to drive business growth.
We explore growth strategy through two lenses – growing the core and discovering the new.
Through a mix of imagination and disciplined pragmatism, we explore new products and services that can reinvigorate the core business, and new business models that identify and search out new customers.
The results elevate innovation to a core business discipline, integral to an organisation’s culture, and foundational to long-term success.
Sustain Growth
We work with our clients to transfer and embed the necessary skills, systems and support required to self-sustain a customer first culture and continued growth.
We have with a range of specialist providers who work with us to provide bespoke customer solutions to drive increased engagement and revenue.
Focusing increasingly on commerce platforms, these range from innovative customer driven data, dynamic real time engagement platforms and world leading innovation capabilities.
Customer Experience
Great companies don’t only deliver great products and services; they deliver on their brand promise with a customer experience that is seamless, persuasive and creates word of mouth advocacy.
It starts with understanding your brand and your customers.
Customer experience and brand are inextricably linked. What will they value and how do they want to be served?
Our goal isn’t just to remove customer pain points but to make customer experiences inextricably amplifying of a company’s brand promise.
Throughout the process, we make sure the organisation and brand is aligned, so that people and methodologies are in place not only to deliver the new experience but also to do it in a brand defining way.
We call it, living the brand.
At SPP, we bring a high level of commercial pragmatism to the business of brand strategy and direct our radar to help clients win customer preference and create new growth.
Key Contacts
Phil Noble / Founder and Managing Partner
Phil Noble is the Founder and Managing Partner of SPP. He is an experienced General Manager, Consultant and Entrepreneur and has worked in a wide range of industries including financial services, telecommunications, infrastructure and Not for Profit. Phil has...
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